(1) ATTEND INSPECTIONS – the inspector can show you items that need repair & whether immediate or long term.  Some items like reversed hot & cold water faucets are minor, but major ones like a foundation problem can be major.  You can talk to the inspector.  (2) READ THE REPORT & DISCLOSURES – watch for repairs owner did himself, repeated repairs to the same home system, water & leakage issues & reports of non-functioning mechanical or other systems in the house.  Inspector can recommend another inspection of a system, so watch for this.  (3) GET MULTIPLE REPAIR BIDS – can serve as a negotiating item for a price reductions, etc.  (4)  STOP OVERCONFIDENCE IN ITS TRACTS – even if you are doing the work yourself, get bids in case you have to turn it over to a professional and (5)  PRIORITIZE PRICE REDUCTIONS & CREDITS OVER SELLER REPAIRS – you will probably do a better job, then the owner, so negotiate a repair allowance or reduction during the option.