Your credit score can predict you behavior in paying your bills, including your house payment.  A person who pays his bills on time tends to that in the near-future.  That is the basis of credit scoring.  To lenders that is your likelihood of making on-time payments in the next 90 days, because after 90 days of nonpayment of your mortgage  you go into default.  Higher credit scores correlate with a lower default rise, which is why you can receive lower mortgage rates.  This applies to all types of loans and lender use the FICO Scoring Model EXCLUSIVELY.  3 main credit bureaus in the U. S.  are Equifax, Experian & TransUnion.  FICO named for Fair Isaac Corporation, invented in the 1950s & is mortgage industry standard for credit ratings.  This is akin to calling all adhesive bandages “Bank-Aids”.  FICO is a trade name & not a product.  With 20% down a FICO score of 740+ and no discount points required.  At 660-679 FICO 2.5 % discount points OR $2,500 per $100,000 borrowed.  This fee can be rolled into your loan.