Repealing the mortgage interest deduction would yank the safety net from millions of Americans – not just the rich.  This is one of the high-wire acts to lower the deficit and raise taxes!!  The economic benefits of a strong housing market are clear.  For over 40 years housing has contributed 17-19% to the national gross domestic product.  HOME OWNERSHIP remains the greatest TOOL for WEALTH CREATION FOR FAMILIES.  It is the foundation of strong families and healthy communities.  Strong correlation among positive community involvement, neighborhood stability, children’s educational success and even physical and psychological health.  The greatest share of mortgage interest deduction lies with the MIDDLE CLASS and not the rich.  22% went to households in the $50,000 to $75,000 range.  According to Al DelliBovi, president of the Federal Home Loan Bank of NY,  we do not need to force such a daredevil act on the American public.