The Piney Woods North land, which includes Tyler – Smith County continued with the land market being slow in 2012, but prices remained stable according to Dr. Charles E. Gilliland of the Real Estate Center at TX A&M. Brokers reported a lack of good property listings and that sellers have high price expectations, but beginning to moderate. The closer to Dallas prices are higher, but lower as you get further from Dallas. CROP land is very LIMITED. Metroplex area investers primarily want pasture land for crop and vineyards and so do local residents. Hunting and recreation dominate this region’s rural land use. Purchasers continue to seek tracts of timberland with good interior roads, good surface water and woodlands condusive to hunting. This strong demand, coupled with the decreasing number of acres available for lease, caused hunting LEASE RATES to INCREASE. We have found this to be true with friends and family members looking for inexpensive and close leases to Tyler.