Monthly Archives: August 2014


This is GOOD news and BAD news!  Sales hit their lowest prices in the U. S. in March 2012, then the flurry of purchases by institutional investors & other cash buyers kicked off 2 years of buying & is now tapering off.  GOOD news is fewer cash buyers should help loosen up the inventory of homes for sale & reduce competitive bidding, giving non cash  & 1st time homebuyers a better chance.  The BAD news is that some non cash buyers & lst time buyers may be already priced out of the market as prices in the U. S. have increased in the past 2 years.  Daren Blomquist, RealtyTrac vice president noted 2nd quarter 2014 all-cash sales accounted for 37.9% of single-family homes & condos & down from 42% the previous quarter, but up from 35.7% a year ago.  As we say at Bain Real Estate it is always what BUYERS WILL PAY AND WHAT SELLERS WILL SEE FOR, that governs the market



(1)  New nursing and health sciences building being built on the Tyler Junior College main campus to educate students in health care opportunities and jobs.  (2)  Tyler Independent School District with the new technology/computer school for high school students to open soon.  (3)  New University of Texas at Tyler pharmacy school.  Faculty now being hired and construction of building on UTT campus near the library is about finished.  (4)  Tyler Junior College Luminant program on the TJC West Campus on Loop 323 in Tyler.  It provides technical and leadership training for the power generation, mining and construction teams.  To get more on this program go to               So MUCH GOING IN UPPER EDUCATION IN THE TYLER AREA.


(1)  the regulatory body writing the Dodd-Frank rules need to hurry & complete their task.  The uncertainty creates lenders to be risk averse, especially toward mortgage borrowers.  (2)  Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac need to make home loans to buyers with less available cash & not require 20% down.  (3)  the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency can relax its tough guidelines that discourage banks from making loans for new subdivision developments.  In some markets lack of building lots is acute.  (4)  There is a serious labor shortage in many parts of the home construction industry.  The guest worker program must be enhanced to provide much-needed craftsmen, such as carpenters.  All this according to Dr. Mark Dotzour, chief economist for the Real Estate Center Texas A&M University. — Part 4

FOYER/FRONT YARD:  (1) do steps have proper handrails?  (2)  Are steps to steep, cracked or uneven?  (3)  Are driveways or walkways snow or ice covered?  (4)  Is there adequate lighting at night?  (5)  is our senior loved one at risk of wandering?  (6)  Can your Senior hear the doorbell?  LAUNDRY ROOM/ BASEMENT.  (1) Is there adequate light on basement stairways?  (2)  Are handrails sturdy?  (3)  Are steps too steep or slippery?  (4)  Does the last step blend in with the floor?  (4) are pathways cluttered?  (5)  Is laundry detergent in bottles of boxes too heavy to life and has detergent spilled on the floor?  (6)  Does the senior have to carry baskets of laundry up and down stairs?  THESE ARE ALL SOME HINTS, BUT GO TO  MAKINGHOMESAFEFORSENIORS.COM — PART 3

KITCHEN – (1)  Are cabinets too high or low?  (2)  Is there clutter on countertops & throughout the kitchen?  Are pathways obstructed?  (3)  Adequate lighting for cooking?  (4)  Dangerous chemicals & cleaning materials secure?  (5)  Is the floor slippery?  (6)  Is there spoiled food in the frig?  (7)  Is emergency contact information within easy access?  (8)  Is the senior at risk of  harming herself with sharp utensil or by causing a fire?  GARAGE (1)  Do the stairs into the garage have secure railings?  (2)  Is trash piling up?  (3)  Are power tools and lawn chemicals secure?  (4)  Is the garage secure?  FINISH WITH PART 4 IN A DAY OR 2. — PART 2

LIVING ROOM – (1)  too much clutter and not enough space to move around furniture?  (2)  can the senior reach the light switch to turn it off or on?  (3)  is there adequate lighting?  (4) do throw rugs and electrical cords pose a tripping hazard?  (4)  is the floor uneven or carpet torn?  (5)  is the room temperature too hot or cold?  (6)  does glare from the windows make it difficult for a senior to see?  (7)  do the conditions of aging make it difficult for a senior to get out of a chair?  HALLWAY  (1) is there a working smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector in place?  (2)  is there adequate light at night?  (3)  does the senior have trouble finding the bathroom at night?  MORE TO COME!! – PART 1

BEDROOM – (1)  do throw rugs create a tripping hazard?  Or torn carpet?  (2)  too much furniture and clutter such as clothing, magazines, newspaper,  etc?  (3)  does the senior lack access to a phone or ce

ll phone, especially at night?  (4)  Is there enough light?  (5)  is the bed too high or low?  (6) do tangled electric cords obstruct pathways?  (6) does the furniture provide proper support, if needed?  BATHROOM & SHOWER – (1)  are there grab bars near tub, shower, & toilet?  (2)  Is the floor slippery?  Lack of bath mats?  (3)  Is the bathtub too high? And the toilet the right height?  (4)  Is there the potential for bath water to be too hot?  (5)  Are medications stored properly – not too high or too low for senior to reach?  (6)  Are mobility and joint problems making it difficult for the senior to reach into overhead cabinets, come his hair or lift her leg to get into the tub.  TO BE CONTINUED


The AGING REVOLUTION!  In 1958 the population 50+ years of age was 41.7 million and in 2014 now 108.7 million.  Average monthly Social Security benefit in 1958 was $74 and now it is $1,252.  Life expectancy at age 65 is 78 for men and 82 for women and now in 2014 it is 84 years for men and now 86 for women.  Median household income for persons over 65+ in 1958 was $2,666 and now $38,848.  The 1st aging revolution was about FREEDOM FROM WORK and now we are in the 2nd on FREEDOM TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT or THE AGE OF POSSIBILITIES.  We need to add more life to our years!!